The IPL brand is now worth $5 Billion (Rs 30,000 crore). BCCI who gets the share of about Rs 2000 crore from IPL. This means an increase in income is by around 25% from the previous year i.e $4 billion.
BCCI earns huge amount of money from a few major govt sector companies. The principle contributor for their revenue is the 'Broadcasting Rights' such as the Television, internet and advertisement. They invites bids for rights to telecast the Indian matches for a 'period of time'.
Other principle contributor is the Sponsor. These people pay them a huge amount of money. One recent sponsor Was 'OPPO'. OPPO is a mobile company that deals with smartphones business and provides its services. It has paid around Rs 1100 crore for a period of 5 years ending 2022. Other sponsors include 'Kit Sponsor', 'Nike', Paytm, TataSky.
Indian cricket has been in all time high compared to other Indian Sports such as hockey, basketball, football etc.. The money to made from this sports is staggering. The amount of income generated by this sport has been on the rise year after year.
BCCI earns huge amount of money from a few major govt sector companies. The principle contributor for their revenue is the 'Broadcasting Rights' such as the Television, internet and advertisement. They invites bids for rights to telecast the Indian matches for a 'period of time'.
Other principle contributor is the Sponsor. These people pay them a huge amount of money. One recent sponsor Was 'OPPO'. OPPO is a mobile company that deals with smartphones business and provides its services. It has paid around Rs 1100 crore for a period of 5 years ending 2022. Other sponsors include 'Kit Sponsor', 'Nike', Paytm, TataSky.
Indian cricket has been in all time high compared to other Indian Sports such as hockey, basketball, football etc.. The money to made from this sports is staggering. The amount of income generated by this sport has been on the rise year after year.
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