Monday, February 26, 2018

Detailed Analysis of Pictures taken in Portrait mode using Google camera..

Yesterday evening i installed Google camera version 5 which is the ported version of Google camera. I ran this camera on Asus zenfone 3 Oreo built. The results of The Portrait mode there I got was quite impressive.
I have put down the result of the analysis in the following video which you can watch it.

The Portrait effect on the Google camera app runs quite well on human face. On other objects the machine learning algorithm that Google camera uses does not yields much effective results.

However the result on the human face is always quite stunning.

With Portrait effect

Without Portrait effect

The Google camera machine learning algorithm very cleverly blurs out the background from the foreground and it's quite effective in doing so. But it it is not crazy perfect as I have heard from other people. It still needs improvements as I have pointed out in the video.
Some corner not blurred out
in Portrait mode

Original image
Without Portrait

However The Portrait effect on the Google camera is clearly a beast in its performance.

Perfect Portrait image

The images of quiet stunning and mind exploding..! It's required a little bit of time to process but the end result is quite good.

Let me share some of the pictures took with it below... Enjoy !


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